Right Now

[UPDATED Dec 13 2024]
Availability now

I’m currently accepting enquiries for projects starting March, 2025. I have unconfirmed First Holds* on my time through April, 2025. Please do feel free to contact me and if I am unavailable, I can help refer you on to a talented pool of fellow animators.

  • In production on a series of six animations for the Florida Stroke Registry and University of Miami on stroke symptom recognition and post-stroke recovery.
  • In development on a set of two informational illustrations highlighting participant experiences of economic abuse.
  • I’ve joined the resident silversmiths (part time) at Vanilla Ink CIC and am beginning a line of  jewellery!
  • Wishing loads of lovely academics success in their funding applications for 2025!
  • In sad news, we lost our sweet pup, Luna, in Nov 2024 and we are grieving. The house is very quiet without her.
  • Enjoying having turned 50 this year and a newfound sense of freedom that’s come with it.
  • Have also fallen in love with stained glass and set up a small home studio to start developing patterns.
  • I’m enjoying my local writer’s group and the insightful conversation, mutual critique, and writerly camaraderie.
  • Still reveling in the expansive views from our hillside bungalow in Glasgow! (#MildTimes2024)
  • Trying to brave up to do proper cold water wild swimming now that the weather is cooling down.  Love having Loch Lomond on our doorstep!
  • We finished the season with 14 film festival acceptances for the Lost Voices of Partition and the animation is now available to watch online.
  • Completed an animation explaining the ten components of the “Thinking Environment” for University of Newcastle.
  • Had a relaxing long weekend on the Moray coast in November. Cliff walks, nice meals, hot tubs, and beach ambles.
  • Had an amazing trip to the Isles of Mull and Iona in June — trekked across Iona to have a dip in the crystal clear waters of Port Ban Beach! Top 10 life experience.
  • Finished the seventh and final animation in a series of provider education projects on Antibiotic Stewardship with Penn State.
  • I took Rug Tufting workshop in March and made my first little rug and my partner and I learned how to whittle spoons in February. It involves way more axe-wielding than I thought, and my arms were sore for a week!
  • I passed my UK driving test on the first go in early February and am feeling inordinately pleased with myself.
  • On the heels of the amazing Queer Storytelling class I took last term at London Lit Lab, I’ve now completed a Memoir course and am gathering momentum for a book-length work.
  • Finished an animation explaining the Anti-Racism Framework (ARF) with Newcastle and Leeds Beckett Universities.
  • Was thrilled to publish my second academic journal article (co-published!) with the amazing Dr. Bethan Evans and Dr. Rachel Colls. The article discuss the challenges faced by disabled, fat, trans and nonbinary folks when accessing onboard toilets. It also articulates some of the dangers in the avoidance mechanisms commonly employed to circumvent their use.
  • Completed an animation about Drink Spiking for Newcastle University.
  • Completed on an animation on women’s memories of the Partition of India in partnership with Northumbria University and the Glasgow Women’s Library.
  • Completed an animation project on Chronic Illness with University of Sheffield.
  • Completed a 27-page interactive PDF report looking at Health Inequalities in the NHS with researchers at Cambridge University.
  • Completed an animation explaining Norm Creativity with JM Norway.
  • Completed a series of 8 short animations about Vaccine Education for Penn State.
  • Completed an animation about diversity in Cemetary and Funeral Rites in the UK for the University of Reading.
  • Completed a 3-animation series for Peter Hopkins at Newcastle University exploring the challenges facing refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.
  • Completed an animation for Newcastle University on how to combat Islamaphobia in the UK
  • Completed an animation for Newcastle University sexual consent.
  • Completed an animation for Nottingham University around recognising excessive exercise in recovery from eating disorders.
  • Completed an animation around responsible drug usage on campus for Newcastle University.
  • Completed a 5-animation series on the topic of Antibiotic Stewardship regarding Antibiotic Resistance with researchers at Penn State.
  • Completed work with researchers at UCL on a 2-animation series within the Smart Small City project, looking at the impact of rapid and radical urban transformations in three small cities in India as part of Smart City development projects.
  • Was thrilled to publish my first academic journal article (co-published!) with the amazing Dr. Bethan Evans and Dr. Rachel Colls. The article combines my original research on Flying While Fat with their incredible theoretical knowledge! The Dys-Appearing Fat Body: Bodily Intensities and Fatphobic Sociomaterialities When Flying While Fat
  • Was very excited to be included in the recently published book, Creative Writing for Social Research, edited by Richard Phillips and Helen Kara, in which my chapter Your Stories are Moving: Animation and Affect in Creative Research Dissemination appears! Published January 2021.
  • Completed an animation with UK Sports, the English Institute of Sport and Sport Wales helping coaches and young athletes to understand and accommodate menstruation while training. View here!
  • Created “Oh, Luna Fortuna“, a short-form graphic memoir about my experience rescuing our little Staffy, Luna, from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home!
  • This page was inspired by Derek Sivers’ idea of Now.

* I work on a holds-based system. This means that clients can pre-book my time without funding solidly in place (e.g. grant applications). This booking has priority over any future bookings which are similarly precarious. If a potential client approaches with funding secured, clients who have a hold on my time may be asked to either confirm their booking or release their hold. This allows me as much flexibility as possible in service to my client’s funding applications, while also having financial security.

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