Creative Dissemination Animation & Illustration for Academics and Researchers

You’ve spent years of your life deep-diving on your research topic. You know more about your specialty subjects than nearly anyone else on the planet. You’ve got a lot to say and you want to say it beyond the paywall in accessible ways that create academic research impact, build scholarly influence, build your academic reputation, invite research collaboration, and make the world a better place in the process! Animation and illustration can help.

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Case studies

Here are some recent collaborations I’ve participated in to maximise research impact for academics and researchers.

Cemetery Rites Animation
Cemetery Rites Animation

University of Reading

Explores cemeteries and Crematoria as public spaces of belonging.

View Case STudy
Eating disorders and Excessive Exercise
Eating disorders and Excessive Exercise

University of Nottingham

Explores the link between eating disorders/disordered eating and excessive exercise.

View case study
Refugee Arrivals
Refugee Arrivals

Newcastle University

Explores the challenges and opportunities presented to refugees and asylum seekers in navigating their arrival in the UK.

let's talk about your project!
What can animation do for academics and researchers?

Policymakers often have limited time and divided attention, making it difficult to convey the importance of research findings in a way that prompts action. Animation can summarise complex ideas and provide a memorable visual representation of the findings, making it easier to capture and hold the attention of policymakers and promote change.


By making research findings accessible and engaging to a wider audience, animation can help to drive awareness and promote positive change. For example, animations can be used to explain the causes and effects of social issues, such as poverty or inequality, and to promote understanding of the role that research can play in addressing these challenges.


By breaking down complex scientific concepts into simple visual representations, animations can help to increase public understanding of scientific concepts and research findings. This can be especially useful for communicating scientific findings to people who may not have a background in the field, such as policymakers, educators, or the general public.


By making research findings accessible and engaging, animations can help to build trust and encourage active participation in research projects. For example, animations can be used to explain research methods and findings to communities, promote understanding of the potential benefits and risks of participating in research, and encourage people to get involved in research initiatives.

Promote diversity, equality & inclusion

By making research accessible and engaging to a diverse range of people, animations can help to promote a more inclusive research culture and ensure that research findings reflect the experiences and perspectives of all members of society. This can help to promote a more equitable distribution of the benefits of research and ensure that the research is relevant and meaningful to the communities it serves.

collaboration & representation

Animation can incorporate not just the thoughts and experiences of research participants, but their own hands, artwork, voices and ideas. Animation lends itself to iteration, giving ample opportunity for feedback and revision that incorporate participants ideas and offer them agency in their representation. And participants can even take part in the animation process themselves by creating artwork or attending animation workshops.

A sample of recent clients

Icons courtesy Icons8

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